Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Networking Tips

I attended my first industry conference this week. While its focus was around a genre I'm not particularly interested in getting into at the moment, it was still great attending the panels and meeting different people.

This was also my first big opportunity at networking. This experience helped me come up with some advice for those who are not social butterflies or are new to networking. I fall under both categories. This can be applied to any networking event, not just entertainment.

Attend these events
These conferences can cost a lot of money, however. If you can't afford to attend, see if they need volunteers. If it's at a public space, such as a hotel, just show up. You may not get into panels or workshops, but you'll get to meet people in the lobby, during food breaks, etc.

Meet as many people as possible
You'll want to learn as much as possible. Everyone will have a different story to tell, their own piece of advice to give. If you find someone you click with, that's great, but don't get stuck talking to one person because it's easy. That's one opportunity gained, many others lost.

With that said, quanity drives quality
The goal is not just to hand out your business card left and right. You should find the people who can help you the most. Talk to a variety of people to find the few who really understand what you need and can help you get there beyond the small talk.

Seek advice, give advice
People attend these things to learn. And again, everyone has a different story to tell. Your own experiences might be helpful to someone. You scratch their back, they'll scratch yours.

Prepare some talking points
You can't network if you have nothing to say. Be able to engage others. Contribute to conversation, and when appropriate, be ready to steer a conversation so that it can answer questions you may have, if it isn't already.

Anyone in entertainment will tell you the importance of networking. The coordinator of this conference told me that besides her first gig, she never once had to interview for a job. Keep meeting people and get your name out there. You'll never know when that one conversation will turn into something more.

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